Category Archives: Legal Matters

A Bit of Unawareness Can Lead to a Dog Bite

dog attack

We all know how hard it is to build something in life. Whether we’re talking about a simple construction, a business or a family, it takes time and serious financial efforts to raise something from the ground up. Some development processes take longer than others and demand our full attention constantly. Having a family is one of those processes and represent, for most of us, the essence of life, the thing that all our dreams are tied to. Family development requires constant intervention so it doesn’t go off track.

Protect your Work and your Loved Ones


Destroying or even damaging something you built with years of effort can be quite a traumatic experience, whether it’s your fault or not. Having a child suffer from a dog bite is just one of those situations. All your hard work with child development can go to waste if a dangerous and aggressive dog is near your child. It is always better to prevent than combat so it is mandatory, if not imperative, to teach your children important safety rules when approaching a dog, especially one from a dangerous breed.

The Bigger the Dog, The Bigger the Problem

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Over the last few years, there has been an increased number of people getting dangerous dogs as pets. While most owners get larger breed dogs just to protect their property, not all owners take safety measures when taking their pet out where there are other people and most importantly, children. You can find lots of information regarding dog attacks including dog bite statistics, safety measures, dangerous breeds and much more on

Things to Consider


If you or a loved one has been attacked by a dog, you need to consider a number of things immediately after the injury was produced. It is very important to take photos of your injuries and get the dog that attacked you evaluated before its owner gets rid of him, either by giving him away or getting him euthanized. Photos are important because they show the size and weight of the dog, while the evaluation consists of a series of tests that show the dog’s behavior characteristics which will prove very important for both the plaintiff and the defendant. Gathering information from the dog owner’s neighbors, as well as checking animal control can also prove valuable in the outcome of the case because you will know if the dog is known for an aggressive behavior and if it was involved in other attacks. Such cases are more complex than they may seem at a first glance and should be looked into by a professional.

Seek Legal Assistance


Hiring an attorney as soon as possible after the dog attack is probably the best decision you can make under these circumstances. A legal professional can help you with all the previously mentioned actions and investigation and can make sure you don’t miss opportunities to build a solid testimony by making sure all the important information about the dog and its owner is available at the time of trial. A dog bite can cause serious damage that may require years of plastic surgeries and long term medical treatment, making compensation even more important. For the best results possible, you need to have your case evaluated by an experienced and determined lawyer specialized in dog bites. Don’t waste time and get the justice you deserve by consulting a legal professional from Pensacola’s most established law firms, Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon. Visiting their website will allow victims of dog bites to get a free consultation.

In live it is important not only to build things, but also protect them, whether from others or ourselves. If we are not careful, all our work can go to waste, making our role even more difficult. Fortunately, there are professionals that can solve these problems and make our life a lot easier. Always seek justice when someone you love suffered harm form someone else’s negligence or careless actions.

Personal Injuries Should be Taken Personally

injured cat

Have you ever been hurt by someone else’s negligence or careless actions? Does a loved suffered harm due to another individual’s reckless behavior? Being injured is bad on its own, but when the harm is produced by an irresponsible person, it’s even worse not only for the victim but also for his or her family. The legal term for this kind of harm is personal injury. The term represents the total number of physical and mental injuries suffered by someone as a result of someone else’s negligence, careless or reckless actions no matter of their nature. The causes of personal injuries are many including plain negligence, workers’ compensation and products liability. Often people think that the term “personal injury” refers to only physical injuries, but in reality, personal injury covers both physical injuries and psychological impacts. For more information about the general term, you can check the Wikipedia page for personal injury.

Appearances are not Deceiving, Personal Injury Cases are Complicated


If you haven’t been in this situation before you probably don’t know how to act to make things better for yourself. Personal injury victims can seek compensation to cover any lost wages, medical expenses, as well as pain and suffering. This doesn’t mean you will automatically get the best compensation possible for your situation. You will have to prove the fault of the other individual or entity. Doing so can be quite tricky due to the multitude of things to consider when investigating a personal injury case. The best possible decision you can make under these circumstances is to hire an experienced personal injury from your state to handle your case.

Only Professionals have the Solution to your Problems


Personal injury cases can get quite complicated so you need to make sure the legal professional you are hiring is really a professional and not just someone specialized in completely other legal issues. Every state has different law and time limits regarding personal injury claims. Your attorney must be familiar to all of these laws and time limits in order to get you the compensation you not only need but also deserve. The amount of compensation a victim will receive will depend greatly on a wide range of aspects. Your case must be evaluated pretty much spot on in order to get maximum benefits out of your situation. Experienced lawyers have their own team of legal experts that will work effortlessly to gather evidence such as technical, medical flaws as well as witness statements if possible. All these facts will make a huge difference in the courtroom, so having access to a team of professionals is essential for a positive outcome.

Time Consuming But Very Important


Like with other delicate things, choosing the right thing, or service in this case, can be quite time consuming. Although time consuming, investing time in getting the best possible legal representation solution is one of the best decisions you can make. Nowadays, searching for information is much easier than in the past. The internet summarizes pretty much any type of information and legal services are no exception. This blog post is a good place to start when looking for an attorney. It contains valuable information that may prove very important for your situation.

Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Every Other Day

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day with family

We all know that after the wonderful Thanksgiving there are these two days that drive many crazy and force them into an absolute shopping spree. We’re talking about Black Friday and Cyber Monday, two days with massive sales and massive headaches. Some prepare for these shopping holidays the entire year only to be disappointed due the very high expectations. These days are the busiest days in the shopping calendar and probably one of the busiest days for the authorities as well. Great deals tend to attract large crowds and some might become aggressive if things don’t go as they wish.

Are These Deals Really What you Want?

black friday meme

According to IT Pro Portal US shoppers spent around 2 billion dollars only on Cyber Monday meaning a 17 percent sales increase compared to last year. It would be really nice to see what much of the stuff bought is truly used and doesn’t represent only instinct shopping. This type of shopping occurs when the product doesn’t really interest the buyer but the offer is just too good to refuse. Some instinct buyers may have a purpose for their actions like giving away stuff during Christmas to their loved ones, but others simply end up with good priced products that they will not going to use at all.

Good Price versus Quality


Let’s try to imagine a certain scenario where a buyer is put in the situation of choosing to pay way less for a particular brand of a product he really needs or get a much better brand with higher reliability but pay more because this particular product doesn’t have its priced reduced so much. I can safely say that most of buyers will get the lower end brand just to save a couple of dollars. This mentality will not only cause lots of headaches if the product breaks, but will also end up costing more just to repair or replace. Sure there is warranty, but sometimes getting your product fixed or replaced can take time, depending on the product’s nature and most end up buying a different brand in the mean time and selling the previous product when they receive it from warranty.

Why do we instinct buy?

shopping spree

It’s very common for people to want more for less, but if you buy something just because there is a good deal somewhere but you don’t really plan on using it, you’re not saving money, you’re spending thoughtlessly. With the economy being so bad right now, it is normal for people to want to save a couple of dollars, but you won’t achieve that if you buy things you are not going to use. Companies understand this really well and they treat us with very good deals so we will fight like crazy men to take advantage of these deals. The temptation is high, no doubt, especially if we think about how much complex our lives are now compared to the past. A couple of decades ago, you couldn’t buy so much stuff. Evolution has its advantages and disadvantages and if we can’t control our desires will lose more in the end. Some people even consider instinct shopping as bad as gambling.

Don’t Try to Save Money When You Demand Quality and Performance

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When you need a particular product or service for productivity or any other well thought reason, it is always better to not try and save a few dollars because this may turn against you. If have a home office and you spend pretty much all your time in front of your computer, you not only need quality and reliable PC equipment, but also a very comfy chair that doesn’t affect the way our body is constructed. A good chair will not only avoid back and neck pain but will also allow you to focus more on your work. It goes without saying that if you want performance, you need to invest more. Same goes for services. Say for example you suffered a personal injury at work and you are trying to seek financial compensation. This situation demands legal assistance from personal injury attorney with years of experience and a proven record. Don’t just settle for the first lawyer you can find in your state, research so you know exactly what are you options. Let’s assume you are looking for a lawyer in North Carolina. You can see all the law firms from this state here  or you can search the internet for well established law firms in your region. I highly recommend checking out the Kelly & West Law Firm. They offer quality legal representation and legal consultation covering a wide range of legal issues. I suggest you check out their website.

Share your Experiences

share experiences

Did you managed to save a lot during these deal days? Did you bought stuff that you really need or did impulse buying get the better of you? Are you looking forward to next year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

Be Thankful for the Options Available Today

With Thanksgiving hours away, let’s try to relax and think of things we are thankful for and things we should be thankful for. Life is becoming more and more like a movie on fast forward meaning we are often forced to jump to certain activities and skip experiences that not only bring freshness in our lives but also release stress. Whether we like it or not, holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas are, for most of us, the only opportunities we have to spend some quality time not only with our families but also with our friends and known ones. Sharing our experiences, beliefs and wishes has always been one of man’s best ways to lose some tension accumulated over the last weeks or months either at work, school or any other demanding activity.

Material Stuff

While material stuff can and will probably make us happy for a short period, in time these things become more and more insignificant. Do you remember the times when you were a kid and you waited for Christmas day all year to get that special toy you wanted so bad? Do you still get the same feeling when you receive something you want now as an adult? I don’t think so. Not only are times changing but so are we. The more we grow, the more we realize that life is not about fortune, properties, cars, boats or any of this stuff. I strongly believe that life is all about experiencing things and not buying them.


While some might argue that without money you can’t experience life at its fullest, others tend to believe the opposite. If we look at the Forbes chart for the wealthiest people on the planet and we believe there is an equal sign between fortune and happiness we have to conclude that a very small percentage of the world’s population is really happy. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, things are really the other way around. The more money you have, the more problems you will likely have because making money often means taking risks and these risks may turn around and cause problems. There is an insane amount of people that work for minimum wage and have more joy in their lives than people that make millions every year but are always working, giving orders, stressed and overall busy.

What should we really be Thankful For?

First of all, we must be thankful we live in a free and peaceful world and have the option to develop as a person and as a professional as we wish. Secondly, we must be more than thankful for the options available today in every possible way. In the last 20 years, everything around us exploded. Newly formed industries have developed tremendously, while old industries evolved even further, becoming more branched and offering fast and quality materials production. Everything around us is full of options. From the food we eat, clothes we wear to the electronics we buy and services we pay for, options are always available. You just need to look for what you want, because most of the time you will find exactly what you are looking for.

Don’t Get Carried Away by Ads! Investigate, You have Multiple Options

We all want what’s best for us, right? Well, most of the time you have to research if you want the absolute best service or product for your hard earned money. Nowadays, it is easier than ever to research certain products or services. There are numerous forums, websites, blogs full of discussions regarding products and services. There are also institutions that dedicate their full time giving advice to customers. For example, the Food and Drug Administration offers on their website valuable information regarding a very wide range of products. As I already mentioned in the previous blog post, there are legal portals like Online Lawyer Source for all the legal information you need, organized and written exactly how you want it to be. Always search for the things you want, don’t just take what’s given to you. More often than not, the most successful companies and products are those that have aggressive marketing campaigns. Are these really the best things for us? A correct answer would be: not all the time. There are many services and products that may not be well known to vast audiences but really pack a punch once you discover them.

Be Thankful and Enjoy your Time

I wish a “Happy Thanksgiving!” to all of you and may all your worries and problems become obsolete during this day so you can enjoy some quality time with your family, friends and known ones.

Time travel, Teleportation, Google and Legal Information

Can you imagine a world where time travel was possible? A world where people live in parallel dimensions? While now it may seem like pure science fiction material, in the future it might be available even to the masses despite what the laws of physics may indicate. A time machine will allow us to move between different points in time, either backwards in time or forward into the future, without the need for the traveler to experience the time between points. Basically, a time machine will allow its user to handle time as he pleases and when he pleases. If you want a more in-depth view on time travel you can read an interesting article on How Stuff Works. I also recommend checking Wikipedia’s Time Travel Page if you want to know the roots of the concept as well as other interesting facts about time travel.


Much like time travel, the human race has been captivated by the idea of transferring matter from one point to another without transversing the physical space between them. Teleportation, like time travel, may seem like something we see in Sci-Fi movies, but would help humanity greatly if developed properly. It will not only help with pollution, road/air/water accidents, saving time, but will also mean people get more time to do what they want or they what they truly need. Traveling throughout the world would be extremely easy, working abroad would be hassle free and lots and lots of activities will become real joys due to the lack of time consuming travelling. While time traveling may present some boundaries and paradoxes, teleportation seems like a “cleaner” concept to put in practice because space is easier to maneuver than time.


While the first two concepts are mind boggling, let’s not get our hopes too high because our generation might not even see these ideas put into practice and reach mainstream levels. We all know information is very important in a constant evolving environment. We keep hearing about “information means power” and while it may not give you power in the sense of strength, it surely gives you options to best fit your needs and interests. Information is the key to success in every domain nowadays. From athletes to mathematicians and from lumberjacks to neurosurgeons, information is the one that forms a professional and makes the difference between a sloppy job and a flawless one. Getting in touch with the information we need has changed greatly over the last years. We all remember how our parents rushed to libraries when school began to get us the best books available on the market to help us understand better what was expected of us. In our days, information is literally on our fingertips. Whether we’re talking about phones, tablets, notebooks or PCs, information can be easily access from the comfort of our own home. Google, the information giant, is the one most of us turn when we need something done but we do not know how to do it. While Google is a portal as well as a time machine to your information, it may well not direct you all the time where you want to go. Google results can be affected by various things. What interests others, may not interest me. It’s basically the same principle as television versus the Internet. On TV you most likely watch what the masses want to watch and on the Internet you search for exactly what you want and when you want it. What I am saying is while Google is a very powerful searching tool it may not be well suited for some niches.

Legal Information and Legal Representation

Say for instance you got a legal issue and you want to find information quickly and without much effort. Google can help you, but it may not be the fastest and simple method to use. Dedicated niche portals may be the solution for you because these integrate a lot more domain orientated information into one package. You can search for multiple legal issues solution in one website, saving you time and probably lots of headaches. I often get asked by my friends and acquaintances about legal portals where they can find legal information that’s not only reliable but also easy to read even by someone that does not have any legal qualification. From my Internet travels, I must say that one of the best legal portals around is Online Lawyer Source because it not only offers you valuable information on many legal issues, but also directs you to a specialized lawyer with years of experience practicing in your state. Things cannot get better than this. It is quite remarkable how you are able to do so much under one website. The ease of use, as well as the positive feedback from their user base, definitely earns my recommendation. If you still are not convinced, check out their website and see for yourself.

Back in Time

Let’s turn back time and see how this blog post evolved. We first talked about time travel, then slowly moved to teleportation and then a little about Google. What do all these things have in common? Simple, they all have easy accessibility meaning their users have easy access to time, space and information maneuverability. While the first two concepts are still Sci-Fi plots material, the information accessibility is real and in reach of all of us. We all wish our lives will consist only of pleasant experiences and those time consuming and boring activities will be a thing of the past. Having dedicated niche or domain portals can save you valuable time and can put you on the right direction in the quest of solving your problems. Information must be properly categorized in order to reach to right audience and people must learn how to reach these informational hot spots.

Ingratitude, DUI and Consequences


Have you ever noticed how ungrateful people are these days? Where are the times where a simple hand shake, a tasty breakfast or a hug from your loved one would make our day shine and load us with positive and productive energy? There is no doubt that many things have changed over the last 15 years and everything keeps moving faster and faster, demanding even more from us but even in these settings, we should start loving more what we have and what we have accomplished and not focus all the time on what’s to come. Another kind of ingratitude is that when an individual not only does not cherish what he has, but he does not want anything from the future either determining him to make decisions that may affect him and others around him. Under certain circumstances, both kinds of ingratitude can produce the same negative effects.

Why do I mix ingratitude with driving under the influence? Simple… In my opinion, driving under the influence is just a sign of ingratitude and no respect towards your family, friends and known ones. No matter what the reason may be, mixing alcohol with gas is bound to bring more trouble than good.

Is that a Bird? Is that a Plane? No, my good Man. That’s a Cab.

There are very few cases in which driving under the influence may be acceptable, but even in those situations a better solution may be available. If you were not already aware, there are some yellow vehicles called cabs roaming the city. Maybe you should investigate these mysterious inventions. Drinking alone is bad enough, but when you drink and get behind the wheel, things can quickly get out of control, putting both your life and the lives of other drivers in danger.

You Like to Party and you’re Cab Phobic? No problem…

If you are going to a party, there is bound to be drinking involved so you must plan your “escape”. If you’re going with a group of friends and a cab is, for some reason, a non-option, you can designate a driver, which will be responsible to taking you back home safely. This way you not only avoid being pulled over by the police, but this decision may also save the lives of you and your friends as well as other traffic participants.

Numbers, Statistics and a lot of Headaches

Looking at the DUI statistics from the State of California over a ten year interval we can see that many lives were lost due to driving under the influence. In the last 5 years of these statistics we can see that the percentage of fatalities are close to the 20 mark, which means one individual dies on average at every 5 accidents caused by driving under the influence. Do you want to be another statistic or do you want to see your children grow and have children of their own? If you are interested in the DUI Fact Sheet of the state of California and other statistics, visit the website of the California Department of Motor Vehicles.

“I Hate Cops because they Pulled me Over.” No, you do not!

Driving under the influence and being pulled over may seem like a tragedy but in reality it may just be your salvation. Imagine if you continued driving, having your driving skills greatly affected by the alcohol in your blood stream and losing your life or taking other innocent lives with you. I think, being arrested is a far better deal. Sure being arrested can be intimidating, especially if you haven’t been on this road before, but not all is lost. California has some pretty extensive and rather harsh statutes regarding driving under the influence of alcohol and/or controlled substances and the penalties range from community service, impoundment of your vehicle, serious fines to even incarceration up to one year in jail.


If this is your first DUI arrest you probably do not know exactly how to act and react. Within 10 calendar days of your arrest you must request a meeting with the California Department of Motor Vehicles. Failure to do so will get your driver’s license suspended, which means you won’t be able to use your car to go to school or work. A DUI offense is probably the first encounter with the criminal justice system, which means you will need proper legal guidance to minimize the penalties. Hiring a lawyer is one of the best decisions you can make when being faced with a DUI offense.

I Made a Mistake. I Need Help

An experienced and skilled lawyer specialized in DUI in your state is the only one that can help you from now on. He can evaluate every detail of your case and will work effortlessly to get your charged reduced or dismissed. If you are looking for quality legal representation, I highly recommend the Sigal Law Group law firm, a place where you can find dedicated lawyers with years of experience in all kinds of criminal offenses as well as DUI. They offer a free initial consultation on their website which you can access by clicking here.

Learn from your Mistakes

If your first DUI offense gets minimized or dismissed, you got only your lawyer to thank for that. Don’t take the positive outcome for granted. Learn from your mistakes and don’t drink and drive ever again because second offenders have less chances of having penalties reduced or dismissed.

Share your Experiences

If you have been arrested for DUI, feel free to share your experiences with others in the comments section.

Antidepressants – The Menace that Comes in a Box

I was never a believer of these miracle pills that take away health problems. Not only that they won’t probably help you with your problems, but most likely create others. I recently met an old friend that is pregnant and we shared our life story from the time we did not communicate. At one point, the inevitable produced and we started talking about how her life changed when she became a mother. It is more than likely that men don’t fully understand what a woman goes through during pregnancy and often neglects her needs and desires considering them useless or unworthy of his attention. She told me how stressful the pregnancy was for her and how difficult was to overcome depression.

Don’t Let Depression Rule and Ruin Your Life

Depression can have negative effects on child development, but taking antidepressants like Prozac for example won’t make things much better, studies showing that they significantly increase the risks of birth defects if the mother takes them during the third trimester of pregnancy. My friend also told me how grateful she is for having an understanding husband and a very close relationship with her family and how they helped her to get passed this important event in her life without turning to the so called wonder pills. Postpartum depression can affect both women and men, but with the right amount of family support things can only get better. This made me thinking about what would determine people to take antidepressants if in most cases the negative effects excel the positive ones.

Deal with your Problems Before They Escalate

We all know how hard our daily activities can get and how much stress is involved in completing them, but how can a pill help us deal with problems that most of us face on a regular basis? Depression is, no doubt, a real villain that messes our life in such a way that you don’t want to do anything and don’t want to talk to anyone ashamed of what you have become. Whether the cause of your depression is related to your work place, bad grades at school, relationship problems, money issues, the solution lays in you and not in some pills.

Having a healthy, productive life is all about balance. Most people don’t understand this and go over the top with some aspects of their life. Most are after fortune and dedicate their entire life to gathering large sums of money but, in the process, they lose focus on what is really important, their health and being close to their families. There is no doubt that money is very important in our time and age, but this does not mean you need large sums of money to have a good life experience.

Set Your Goals Properly and Don’t Let Depression Kick In

Each of us have goals in life, some higher than others, some earlier than others. Having goals is always good because this motivates us to work harder and do other things that our goals depend on. Setting unrealistic goals can lead to depression quite quickly and, with it, cause all sorts of problems. It is very important to have someone close to you when depression strikes, because good advice is more likely to help you than some drug.

Food and Drug Administration Warnings Regarding Prozac

Some antidepressants are so dangerous that they have a black box warning on their label, which means they are one step away from a recall due to the increased risks of developing suicidal thoughts and actions among children taking the antidepressant. In July 2006, the Food and Drug Administration issued a warning that mothers that took Prozac in their third trimester will face a six times greater risk of having a baby with persistent pulmonary hypertension. For more detailed information, visit the website of the FDA. More and more victims of antidepressants file lawsuits every year in the US and the general awareness of these drugs’ side effects is slowly growing. If you are one of the unfortunate victims of Prozac or other antidepressant, you need legal advice from an experienced and well respected lawyer that specializes in drug litigation cases and practices in your state.

Compensation Possible

Patients in this situation can get compensated to cover all the harm produced by the drug and offers then a chance of getting their life back after the unfortunate event. From my experience, I can tell you that good quality legal representation is crucial when going in the courtroom against pharmaceutical companies. You have much researching to do before choosing the right lawyer for your needs. A good place to start the process is by looking on the Internet for quality legal defenders. For this initial step I always recommend Online Lawyer Source, a legal portal for both legal research and experienced lawyers. You can access their website at

Health Insurance Bad Faith – When Worse Comes to Worst

Have you ever been disappointed by a person you considered your best friend or a person you had complete faith in? Do you know the feeling of being let down by someone you had an agreement with? Today I will be talking about something really similar in theory, but in reality, even worse.

When someone pays for a service, he expects that service to be provided accordingly not only to industry standards but also to exactly what is specified in the contractual agreement between the two sides. Health insurance companies have been known to not hold their part of the deal, leaving policyholders with only a fraction of what the claim is worth or even worse, completely refusing to offer him insurance coverage. When an insurance company participates in bad faith practices, it basically tries to defraud a policy holder by illegally not offering him what is rightfully his.

Bad Faith Practices

There are numerous examples of bad faith practices. These include the following:

  • Confusing and defrauding policyholders by using incorrect legal terms and definitions;
  • Offering lower payments than the claim is worth;
  • Threatening the policyholder;
  • Failing to explain the limitations of a policy;
  • Intentionally delaying the processing of a claim;
  • Unreasonably interpreting the policy;
  • Misrepresenting the facts of a claim.

Seek Legal Assistance 

When you have the slightest feeling that your insurance company may have acted in bad faith regarding one of your claims, you should seek legal assistance from and a lawyer that is experienced in insurance bad faith legislation and practices in your state. It is essential to hire a legal defender that has years of experience in dealing with bad faith lawsuits and is familiar with the laws from your state because legislation on bad faith insurance practices differs from state to state. There is also a time limit in which the claim is legally viable. Having an experienced bad faith attorney on your side in such situations is always a good idea because he can gather essential evidence as well as secure expert witness testimony to strengthen the case of the policyholder. Another thing you can do is report the insurance company to the states insurance commissioner which you can find by visiting the National Association of Insurance Commissioners website.

Insurance companies have their own lawyers that dedicate their full time to keeping their losses to a minimum. You will need an aggressive representation that will highlight any inconsistencies or weaknesses in their arguments. Compensation is very important because it will not only restore the amount of the original claim, but also offer financial benefits for the damages caused by the denial and any pain or suffering involved.

You didn’t pay the insurance company so they can turn their back when you needed them. Hire a skillful attorney with a proven record in bad faith cases and make them think twice before even considering defrauding another policyholder.

For additional information on these matters, please visit Online Lawyer Source.